Sunday, June 7, 2009

The long weekend - Queen's birthday

It isn't really the birthday of the Queen, but we have a day off work tomorrow anyhow. It is, however, Queensland Day on the Saturday, 6 June. People were celebrating that in various ways officially. There was a huge concert of 2,000 school children for three hours last night, and I believe yesterday afternoon too, in Brisbane. For Qld day.

I decided to curl up and read a good book when the sun was hidden by a thick fog yesterday morning. 'The Good Parents' by Joan London, the author of Gilgamesh. The novel is set in Australia and written by an Aussie, and it was very good. She has international awards for her writing, and one can only agree with her winner status after reading this book. It tells the tale of a contemporary family from a country town, how we are shaped by our families and our environments. How intertwined we are. Although at times, it was complex recalling all the characters, I enjoyed the story very much. After I closed the book, I felt like doing some writing myself and focused on my own manuscript, sitting in the corner of my study gathering dust. I wanted to write of the male character's feelings of homesickness.


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