Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas day

Umbrella's unfolded as we got out of the car and headed for church this morning at 8.30am. As this was such a rare occasion, it was quite fun. Rev Peter Elliott spoke about the struggle of some people being very sick this past year and how the struggle can bring them closer to God in their need for comfort. My daughter listened intently, as we all did, relating the sermon directly to the year she has had. Lincon had to work in Gladstone, unfortunately, but all the rest of the family came for the day - well, almost everyone...

Morning tea had been set up before we left for church, so we enjoyed that and began swapping gifts while we waited for my sister, Judy. The phone rang. She had just returned from the hospital and she's spending Christmas day very sick at home in Noosa. Poor Jude. I'll add some videos of the morning for her to view when she is feeling able to sit up in a not so dizzy state.

The recipes all turned out very successfully, especially the ice cream tiramisu cake. Now I will have to speed up my morning walk a bit to make up for all the food I consumed today.

Roast chicken, a turkey and leg ham, sweet potato, prawns, sorbet, triaminsu ice cream cake, plum pudding. I won't eat again for a week, I promise!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ho Ho Ho

Midnight strikes. The first day of December turns me into a Christmas junkie. Ecards save the environment, so if you need to send one, go to

My newsletter is finished and now I ask one of the boys to erect my Christmas work table in the family room. It gets covered in ribbons, paper, sticky tape, pens, cards, newsletters, gifts, etc very soon and I'm off and running towards the big day - 25 December.

I know I have survived this before, so I can do it again!