This is a photo of my oldest son, Anthony, and my daughter, Leah, at her wedding to Lincoln Tedman, with me in the centre. It was taken in April 2005. It was the most beautiful wedding I have ever been to, and the bride and groom are a lovely couple.
This week heralded two birthdays. An old friend turned 60 on Monday 23rd March and the 34th birthday of my oldest son, who lives nearby. The family took him to lunch to celebrate his special day although it had to wait until Saturday as we are all too busy during the week days. Queensland is a long way from Wagga Wagga, but we enjoyed guests from there this past week. Ken was here to judge the cows at the Toowoomba show. It's all quiet in the house now they are gone, one son is working and one is at a 21st tonight. I have just these two at home now as my daughter is married and my oldest boy is living at a nearby suburb with his two dogs.
This is my time to write.